Photoshop 2 Homework

 There is one specific photo that stood out to me in that video. The photo appears about seven and a half minutes in but i found myself thinking back to it almost the entire video. The photo is very simple: black and white, dutch angle, a young boy stands in front of a well deck of a naval ship, and American flag in the boy’s hand. Growing up as a military kid, this photo alone brought back countless memories of waiting on piers for my dad’s ship to pull in and getting to hug him for the first time in months. 

I lived overseas when I was younger and during that 3 year period, my dad was home for maybe a third of it so seeing that image reminded me of the excitement and love I felt every time i started to see his ship coming over the horizon. More than that, I was reminded of photos of me when I was even younger, wearing Hawaiian shirts (my dad’s go to style) and hugging him when he got home. The photo reminds me of my past, as well as a memory that thousands of other military kids experienced at some point in their lives and it genuinely made me emotional. 

This is a photo of me at the beach. Again, growing up with the Navy being such a prevalent force in my life, I grew up in water based communities. Beaches and bays were a staple in any community I grew up in. I’ve always liked the beach, it felt consistent in times when life was inconsistent. I feel closest to myself and the earth when I’m at the beach. 


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